Fall Performing Arts Bring Big Stories to Chatham Hall
For four nights this fall, both the dance and theatre troupes brought big stories to the Chatham Hall community.
On Halloween weekend, the fall dancers performed their rendition of the Black Swan ballet on the Van Voorhis Lecture Hall stage in a one-night only show. Led by Kayla Charway ‘23, the performance was choreographed solely by students with all six dancers contributing.
“I enjoyed tackling a darker show like Black Swan. I feel like my creativity flows more with complex, dark, and dramatic shows,” noted Charway. “It was also a fun challenge to create an adaptation instead of following the original plot exactly as presented.”
Black Swan was opened by a special performance by the NOIR dance club.
In theatre, the Black Box was transformed into a train to recreate Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express for three performances in early November. The play featured classic Christie characters including Hercule Poirot (Sophie Taylor ‘24) and Bouc (Riquel Owusu ‘23). Directed by Mr. Cameron Ayres, the show was full of big characters, fun accents, and lots of twists as the train transported both the passengers and audience members into a masterful murder mystery.