Chatham Hall recognizes its most generous donors through the Benefactor Circles. Recognition is afforded to donors based on annual contributions.
Loyal Donors
Chatham Hall is proud of the consistent high-giving participation from alumnae, parents, and friends. Donors who give consecutively for five or more years are recognized in the Loyal Donors Circle. Consecutive gifts of all sizes are welcomed. Make your annual gift today!
For the Future
The Esto Perpetua Society honors donors who have included Chatham Hall in their estate plans. Donors may designate Chatham Hall as a beneficiary of an estate through their will, life insurance policy, retirement fund, or trust. A variety of gift planning options exist to enable a person to make a charitable contribution and receive an income or consider family generational needs, etc. Read more about gift planning and its impact here.
Benefactors Circles
List of 6 items.
Founders Circle
Rectors Circle
Lantern Circle
Iris Circle
Purple and Gold Society For young alumnae 6 - 15 years from graduation
Purple and Gold Society For young alumnae 1 - 5 years from graduation