Embracing Weekends

Are you tired of your teenager complaining about having nothing to do on weekends? At Chatham Hall, we believe in empowering our girls to take charge of their free time and create meaningful experiences.
Here’s how we do it:

Early Planning, Endless Possibilities
By Wednesday, our students already have their weekend plans in motion. Whether it's exploring nature trails, getting off campus, organizing study groups, or setting up community service projects, there's always something exciting happening at Chatham Hall. This proactive approach not only fills weekends with engaging activities, but also teaches valuable time management skills.
Phone-Free Meals for Meaningful Connections
Phones and devices are left outside of the dining hall during meals, encouraging face-to-face interactions and fostering deeper connections among students. This intentional break from technology creates a relaxed atmosphere where girls can unwind, share stories, and build friendships that last a lifetime.
All-Boarding: A Community Beyond School Hours
With a population of 93% boarding, our students don't just attend classes; they live and grow together as a community. Unlike other boarding schools with a high population of day students where students leave campus on weekends, our predominately boarding environment ensures a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere seven days a week. Weekends are filled with laughter, collaboration, and opportunities for personal and social growth.
Student-Led Weekend Plans
One of the most exciting aspects of weekends at Chatham Hall is that students play a central role in planning activities. From organizing themed parties to arranging outdoor adventures, our students take ownership of their leisure time, honing their leadership skills and creativity along the way. This student-driven approach empowers them to be proactive, responsible, and engaged members of our community.
Empowering Girls for Life Beyond School
At Chatham Hall, weekends are not just downtime; they're opportunities for growth, connection, and discovery. Through early planning, phone-free meals, boarding camaraderie, and student-led initiatives, we equip our girls with the skills and confidence to navigate life's adventures long after they leave our campus.

Join us at Chatham Hall, where weekends are filled with purpose, passion, and endless possibilities!
800 Chatham Hall Circle  •  Chatham, VA 24531
+1 434.432.2941  •  admissions@chathamhall.org
Day and boarding school for girls grades 9-12 in the Episcopal tradition.

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